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Triumph After Heartache: Overcoming the Flood of 2022

In December 2022, our company faced an unexpected challenge when our unused office space and executive offices were flooded on Christmas Eve.

In December 2022, our company faced an unexpected challenge when our unused office space and executive offices were flooded on Christmas Eve. Despite this heartache, we found strength in adversity. Our President, Director of Facilities and Logistics, and Facilities Manager sprang into action, effectively mitigating the damage and ensuring the continuity of our operations. In this blog post, we share the story of resilience and triumph that followed the flood of 2022.

Unexpected Crisis Strikes

The flood that occurred on Christmas Eve took us by surprise and cast a shadow over the holiday season. Our unused office space and executive offices were inundated with water, posing a significant threat to our operations.

Swift Response and Mitigation

In times of crisis, the true character of a team shines through. Our President, Director of Facilities and Logistics, and Facilities Manager demonstrated remarkable leadership by taking immediate action to mitigate the damage. Their quick thinking and effective response helped prevent further loss and damage to our resources.

Adaptation and Resilience

In the face of adversity, our company showed remarkable adaptability and resilience. Executives were relocated to either work from home or occupy unused office space within the warehouse. This quick decision ensured that our operations continued without significant disruptions.

Strength in Unity

The flood of 2022 served as a reminder of the strength and unity of our team. It brought us together in a time of crisis and showcased our collective determination to overcome challenges.

Continuing the Mission

Despite the setback caused by the flood, our commitment to our mission remained unwavering. We continued to serve our customers, meet their needs, and provide exceptional service during a challenging time.

Looking Forward

As we reflect on the flood of 2022 and the triumph that followed, we remain focused on the future. Our experience has reinforced our belief in the resilience of our team and our ability to overcome adversity.

In conclusion, the flood of 2022 may have been an unexpected and unfortunate event, but it ultimately strengthened our resolve and showcased our ability to adapt and triumph in the face of adversity. We are grateful for the dedication and quick thinking of our leadership team and remain committed to our mission of excellence and service to our customers.